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If I don't take care of myself, who will?

Blog written by the psychologists at Psinove. We explore topics related to psychology and psychotherapy, daily challenges, and reflections.

If I don't take care of myself, who will?

The relationship with ourselves involves challenge, determination, persistence, and imagination! It is essential that we pay attention to the signals of the body and mind so as not to disconnect from the "internal world."

The social alienation that we sometimes experience can lead us to feel lost within ourselves and with a diminished perception of control. Our internal world consists of a vast array of elements (thoughts, memories, emotions, values, goals, dreams, and desires), which are sometimes disorganized, with little investment or even somewhat abandoned. Although challenging, it may be important to explore what there is to be discovered, known, or recognized within us. What is complex needs to be digested, attributed meaning or redefined, and, if necessary, recycled. Being in touch with our greatest dreams or desires. Thinking, rethinking, sharing, setting goals and objectives to then achieve them.

In this journey to our internal world, a "logbook" can be a great resource for recording thoughts, emotions, and the most important events of this journey that is life! Something else that is fundamental to take care of our internal world is self-care. So, I share some suggestions:

  • Sleep hygiene consists of a set of strategies that can be adopted and that improve the quality of sleep. Some of them involve establishing a schedule for going to bed and waking up; before bed, it is important to avoid heavy meals as well as engaging in stimulating activities (for example, physical exercise); you should create a conducive environment so that you can easily fall asleep (for example, set aside electronic devices, low lighting, and little noise).
  • Physical exercise is not only a contribution to health (physical and psychological) but can also be a way to externalize emotions and restore energy. It can also contribute to improving self-esteem and the quality of sleep.
  • Take care of your diet, avoiding foods with low nutritional value and investing in a more "colorful" and varied diet. Sometimes, one extreme leads us to another, so seek a balance in your diet allowing your favorite dishes and foods to be integrated.
  • Invest in and take care of your personal relationships. Make space in your schedule and in your heart for those who are part of your life and stay in touch with them.
  • Do/discover activities that you like and that are a source of leisure. Such as reading, going to the movies, walking in nature, dancing, or even practicing extreme sports.
  • Manage your time well, including, on the one hand, your family, academic, and/or professional duties, and on the other hand, those leisure moments.
  • Take care of your spirituality either through the rituals of a religion (if you have one), meditation, or by connecting with nature.

These and other forms of self-care are important for your physical, psychological, and emotional health. And in any case, when necessary, consider seeking mental health professionals.

Article published in Sapo 24

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